Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce life insurance : Protecting Your Future

canara hsbc oriental bank of commerce life insurance : When it comes to securing your future and the safety of your loved ones, having a reliable life insurance plan is essential.

In this article, we will delve deep into the world of Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce life insurance, exploring its benefits, coverage options, and how it can provide the financial protection you and your family need.

Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce life insurance

Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance is a joint venture between Canara Bank, HSBC Insurance Holdings Limited and Oriental Bank of Commerce.

With a strong base in the banking and insurance sectors, the company brings a wealth of expertise and financial strength to provide top-notch life insurance solutions to its clients.

Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance understands the diverse needs of individuals and offers a wide range of plans designed to meet different life stages and financial goals.

Whether you are looking for pure protection, long term savings, or a combination of both, they have a plan to suit your needs.

Types of Life Insurance Plans Offered

Term Insurance

Term insurance is a straightforward and cost-effective way of securing your family’s financial future. It offers high life cover at affordable premiums for a specific term. If the policyholder dies during the policy term, the death benefit is paid to the nominee. However, if the policyholder survives the term, there is no maturity benefit.

Whole Life Insurance

As the name suggests, whole life insurance provides coverage for the entire lifetime of the policyholder. It not only provides financial security to your dependents in the event of your demise but also accumulates cash value over time, acting as an investment.

Unit-Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs)

ULIP is a unique combination of insurance and investment. A part of the premium goes towards providing life coverage, while the remaining amount is invested in various funds.

Policyholders have the flexibility to choose investment funds based on their risk appetite and financial goals.

Benefits of Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance

Comprehensive Coverage

Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance plans offer comprehensive coverage, ensuring that your loved ones are financially secure in your absence.

Whether it is to repay outstanding loans, finance your children’s education, or support the daily expenses of the family, life insurance benefits can serve as a vital lifeline.

Flexible Premium Payment Options

The company understands the importance of flexibility in financial planning. They offer different premium payment frequencies, such as monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual modes, allowing policyholders to choose the payment schedule that suits their convenience.

Additional Riders for Enhanced Protection

To further enhance the coverage, Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce offers additional riders that can be added to the base policy. These riders provide benefits for specific conditions such as accidental death, critical illness or disability, thereby providing additional protection to you and your family during challenging times.

How to Choose the Right Life Insurance Plan

Selecting the appropriate life insurance plan requires careful consideration of your specific circumstances and financial objectives.

Assessing Your Coverage Needs

Begin by assessing your family’s financial needs in the event of an unfortunate event. Keep in mind the outstanding loans, monthly expenses, future goals and other financial obligations. The sum assured should be sufficient to adequately meet these needs.

Considering Your Financial Goals

Apart from protection, some life insurance plans also act as investment vehicles. If you have long-term financial goals, such as buying a home, funding your child’s education, or planning for retirement, consider policies that offer investment opportunities along with insurance coverage.

Reviewing Policy Terms and Conditions

Read and understand the terms and conditions of the policy thoroughly before taking a decision. Pay attention to factors like policy term, premium payment options, exclusions and claim settlement process.

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The Application Process Made Easy

Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce offers a user-friendly and hassle-free application process.

Online Application

The company provides the facility to apply for life insurance policies online. The online application process is straightforward, so you can complete the formalities from the comfort of your home.

Document Requirements

You will need to submit the required documents such as identity proof, address proof, age proof and income related documents as part of the application process. Making sure you have all the necessary documents ready can speed up the process.

Medical Examinations

Depending on the sum insured and the age of the applicant, medical examinations may be required. The insurer will arrange for the medical tests, and the results will be considered during the underwriting process.

The Role of a Nominee in Your Life Insurance Policy

Nominee is an important component of a life insurance policy, as they are the nominees who will receive the death benefit in case of death of the policyholder.

Understanding the Nomination Process

During policy purchase, you need to nominate a person who will be entitled to the death benefit. You can also appoint more than one nominee and specify the percentage share each nominee will receive.

Rights and Responsibilities of the Nominee

In case of death of the policyholder, the nominee has the right to claim the death benefit. It is necessary to inform the nominee about the policy details and nomination to ensure a seamless claim settlement process.

Making Claims and Claim Settlement

The claim settlement process of Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce is designed to be prompt and efficient-

How to Initiate a Claim

In case of death of the policyholder, the nominee has the right to claim the death benefit. It is necessary to inform the nominee about the policy details and nomination to ensure a seamless claim settlement process.

Document Submission

The nominee needs to submit the claim form along with necessary documents, such as the original policy document, death certificate, and any other documents requested by the insurer.

Timely and Efficient Claim Settlement

The insurer aims to settle claims at the earliest while providing necessary financial support to the bereaved family during these challenging times.

Tax Benefits of Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance

Apart from providing financial security, Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce life insurance plans also offer tax benefits under the Income Tax Act 1961.

Understanding Tax Deductibles

The premium paid for life insurance policy is eligible for tax deduction under section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

Tax Benefits on Premium Payments

Premiums paid for critical illness riders and disability riders are also eligible for tax benefits under section 80D.

Tax-Free Death Benefits

The death benefit received by the nominee is tax-free under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act.


Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance offers comprehensive and flexible life insurance plans to safeguard the financial future of your family.

With a wide range of options, affordable premiums and efficient claim settlement, they are a reliable choice for individuals seeking financial security and peace of mind.

FAQs – Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce life insurance

What is the minimum entry age for a Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce life insurance plan?

The minimum entry age varies depending on the type of plan chosen. Usually it starts from the age of 18.

Can I change the nominee in my policy after purchasing it?

Yes, you can change the nominee at any time during the policy term by giving a written request to the insurer.

Can I surrender my policy before the maturity period?

Yes, you can surrender the policy before maturity. However, the surrender value will depend on the terms of the policy and the number of premiums paid.

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